Homework for your soul
Health is an eternal country that gives birth to inspiration
It’s a tarnished dawn or a reflection of the thought of a fabulous awakening.
Illusionary creation of inconsistent existence where fears, pain, joy and fun knock on the brain at the same time. and you want to love with passion, that is, to be in harmony with yourself sometimes you can only know yourself in everything and create the universe and share your experience with God, accepting his blessing to love.
To fly and to rejoice!
I fell in love with myself and saw whole planet
It’s either soul that is made out of crystal and starts are shining around it or dna of Milky Way
well, in the nodes there is a way how you got here, what is your path.
Going home after You will go through a round of rebirth
You will receive experience of who to build new measures with like polyphonic silence, like smell of the clouds and water that is smiling to the universe
Yes the universe is expanding and you are getting into your spiritual creation where you will find yourself in an eternity stream where there is no rebirth.
There is a feeling of flight and love in eternity, breathing comes out from the inside, passing into multidimensional space, I draw the space for the algorithm and this can be figured out by feeling them on earth and the strength to find, we children of the sun and love should fly and in this the providence of the soul is only to create like the divine instructions.
Translated by Martha
Влюбилась я сама в себя и разглядела целую планету то из кристалла создана душа и звезды светится вокруг ту ДНК и млечный путь ну а в узлах есть весть откуда ты попал сюда каков твой путь домой вернуться когда пройдёшь виток перерождений получишь опыт свой с кем строить новые меры как многозвучный тишина как пахнут облака и воды улыбаются вселенной да происходит расширение попав свое духовное творение ты попадаешь вечности поток где нет перерождение есть
Есть ощущение полёта и любви у вечности дыхание выходит изнутри переходя в пространство многомерен рисую алгоритму пространство и в этом можно разобраться прочувствовав их на земле и сил обрести мы дети солнца и любви должны летать и в этом промысел души лишь создавать подобие свои божественные наставления
We need to see with our soul all the subtleties of the worlds in harmony with ourselves
In order to grab an invisible thread of knowledge!
how to create without violating all the holograms laid down by the creator.
The secret of being- we unraveled which means everything small in everything big.
It is like nightingale song or endless chorus of cicadas.
It is like reflection of yourself in everything
And it is the lessons of wisdom by the universe through which we have to go
In order to become a conscious particle of God.
It is like the blooming of many-faced lotus.
Translated by Martha
Drawing by Julia
* * *
Songbird polyphony,
Flight of the Bumblebee-
It’s your birth of light.
worlds of non-incarnated souls
Sending us signs of awakening
And in this wonderful moment
you expand more
through imaginative thinking,
Creating your universe.
And feeling your flying soul
Through symphonies of the rainbow as an endless flight of love.
The bliss of eternity covered you with its wing
Reminding you that you are god’s child of the creator.
Translated by Martha
Многоголосье певчих птиц, полёт шмеля
Это твоё рожденье света
Миры не воплощённых душ
Нам посылают знаки пробужденья
Это чудесное мгновенье
Ты расширяешь многомерье
Через образное мышленье
Свои вселенные творишь!
И чувствуешь полёт души
Симфоний радуги, как нескончаемый
Поток любви блаженства
То вечности крыло тебя накрыло
Напомнив ты есть божие дитё творца
Drawing from Julia
* * *
Health is just like eternal country,
That gives birth to our inspiration
Either faded out dawn,
Or a reflection of a fairy awakening thought
From illusionary creation of uncoordinated state of mind
Which Consists of fear, pain, happiness and joyfulness
Which knocks on the door of our brain alltogether.
And we want to love passionately.
Which means to be in harmony with ourselves.
If we will get to know ourselves from all aspects
Only then we will be able to create our universe
And share this experience with god
And receive his blessings.
To love! To fly and to rejoice!
Translated by Martha
Здоровье - вечная страна, рождающая вдохновение
То потускневшая заря,
То отблеск мысли сказочного пробужденья
От илюзорного творенья
Несогласованного бытия:
Где страхи, боль, и радость, и веселье
Стучатся в мозг одновременно.
А страстно хочется любить.
То есть, в гармонии с собою быть.
Познать себя во всем
Тогда лишь можно мироздания творить,
И с богом поделиться опытом,
Приняв его благословение
Любить! Летать и ликовать.
* * *
To wake up means to smile at yourself, at you soul,
To Ask yourself how are you, what’s new going on in our home
When you were simply flying in space, playing with god’s thoughts and was getting pleasantly surprised how the world is multidimensional in your fantasies and feelings.
In desires to live in emotion, to understand!
It’s like to be born again: in love and light, with soul’s wisdom.
Where aroma of marine wind
Weaves a cobweb pattern,
And reminding you that we are free from heavy thoughts, fear, and threats,
Make your reality of happiness, with god’s blessings.
Translated by Martha
Проснуться - значит улыбнуться себе, своей душе,
Спросив, как ты, что нового пришло в наш дом
Когда ты попросту летал в пространстве, играя мыслями богов и с наслаждением удивлялся как многомерен мир в твоих фантазиях и чувствах. В желаниях эмоции прожить, понять!
Это как заново родиться: в любви и свете, мудрости души.
Где аромат морского ветра,
ткет паутиною узор,
Напоминая, мы свободны от тяжких мыслей, страха и угроз,
Твори свою реальность счастья, с благословения богов.
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A wish for the soul for a day.
What will I wish myself today
I wish myself harmony and lightness; to open up to the sun, a rainbow, a wave in the sea
To hear a color of love, the sound originates in the space, in myself and fills everything around that can smile back at me to the revelation of “love”.
Translated by Martha
Пожелание души на день.
Что пожелаю я себе сегодня
Гармонии и легкости; Открыться солнцу, радуге, морской волне
Услышать цвет любви, звук зарождается в пространстве,
Во мне и наполняет всё, что может улыбнуться в ответ на откровение "любви".
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Rain is the music of nature
Where rhythm reminding us of the drum of timpani notes
depending on where you got to.
How wonderful it is to play with the rain.
You ask a question and drops as if furtively tapping out a fraction
where can you discern the answer of the gods.
the rain can lull,
removing anxiety like a lullaby tune
That you heard in your childhood from your mother or grandmother, in general from relatives.
Who gave us love, protection, warmth, and coziness.
We are missing it when we become older: body size, experience of luck or experience of life.
But there is a little child of love left in our souls that we don’t want to part with.
you hide carefully from stranger’s eyes, from loved ones, and sometimes even from yourself.
and here the wind blew, interrupting the ringing rhythms of the drum over the leaves and new memories woke up, but it will be told in next chapter.
and the rain washes away all traces and you can start new page of your life again
Leaving behind the pain of loss and the drama of loneliness, loss of loved ones and fear.
in my soul there are calls of fate that got stuck in little rooms of my heart sometimes like splinters that itch and not letting us sleep at night.
the rain washes everything into your virtues
Like experience and respect towards yourself.
changing minuses to pluses for everything that passed and everything that lived through,
stating the space of heavy rain:
«from now on I want to live in love and happiness, and acquire the enjoyment of life.
Enter the spaces of temporal light Where the generating magnitude of the Wave of the ascension stream intersects with the vibration of the soul that is ready to find itself in a divine glow.
illumination of wisdom and eternity of love that is infinitely unconditional and the world of the creator of all galaxies are reminding us that we are all creatures from our creator that need to wake up, smile and fall in love with soul of god’s child!
Translated by Martha
Best wishes to the Patrons System of Angels
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