What is the benefit of Pokiyani (karma yoga)?

Pokiyani restores your aura to its natural state.

When you were in the womb, you had all the god given energy that you would need to live your life on Earth. The day you are born you lost 1/2 of this energy just by going from a water environment into the air. You were really like a fish out of water at the time of your birth.

Throughout the rest of your life, you continue to expend energy. This process normally takes place in a couple of ways. First, you lose energy when you become angry or emotional when you are injured by someone else. Second, you also lose energy when you injure others.

Diana commonly works with individuals that are completed depleted of energy. When you are depleted of energy, there is very little you may do in terms of spiritual work until you solve this problem. Diana says to picture it like this. You have an energy ball (aura) around your entire body that makes an egg shape which is responsible for holding all your energy. When you have emotional life experiences this egg becomes torn or punctured. If your energy-egg is not completely whole, you lose any new energy you receive.

A lot of spiritual practice involves working with energy. For you to benefit from this practice, you need to have a place to store energy. You cannot keep energy until you restore your aura.

Restoration of your aura through pokiyani also represents a way to work with your soul. When you perform penance with all the people you know, you restore your energy and cleanse your soul.


What is the benefit of having a guided Pokiyani Retreat?

Work with energy and work with your soul is a delicate process. Diana can see your aura and help you along with this program while you work on your past life relationships.

Diana acts like a spotter or coach when you dive into the deeper emotional events of your life. Although there is a psychological aspect to Diana's guidance, there is also an intimate spiritual part that you may find difficult to put into words.

Many people perform Pokiyani with deceased friends and relatives and Diana may offer additional assistance in this area as well.


How does Pokiyani work?

Pokiyani works by replenishing your energy and restoring your aura. A common result is to have more physical energy and peace inside yourself. Many people that have undertaken a Pokiyani retreat find that tarnished relationships are brought into a new light.

Some people have even told us about relationships with estranged friends and family members that are totally turned around immediately after the retreat.


Schedule for Guided Pokiyani Meditation Retreats

As with all of the programs at LifeEvents.org, we first recommend an initial psyhic reading consultation with Diana before committing to a retreat. She may recommend anywhere from a 7 day to a 14 day retreat. She may also recommend Pokiyani with a mixture of other practice or a full-time dedication to Pokiyani alone.


How do you begin Pokiyani practice?

There are 3 basic steps to begin Pokiyani and bring back your energy from past events and relationships.

Step 1 - Remember

Step 2 - Bring back energy

Step 3 - Repeat


What do I need to remember?

Any time when you were angry or emotional hurt by another person. When was the last time you received pain from your wife (husband or any relationship?)

Remember this situation and the word or words that caused and emotional reaction. Think about it many times. Repeat it in your inner vision. When your energy returns, you will no longer be angry.

Remember ALL the details of this situation. The words and the details are what keep your energy. You need to really exhaust yourself to remember everything.


How do I know I have brought back all my energy?

When you have none of the emotions that you had before, you will bring back energy. Success takes lots of energy. You need to be free for this. Going back again and again takes lots of time.


Is Pokiyani the same thing as 'Forgive and forget?'

No. Do not forget anything. Bring back energy and do analysis to receive the right lesson. This is how to clean karma. Pokiyani will not fix a mistake, it will only bring back energy. You need to bring back energy from people who have hurt you and those you have hurt. Repeat this process over and over again.


How do I know that Pokiyani is working?

Are you happy? Are you balanced?

If you may go one whole month without anger or sickness, maybe you have cleaned your karma for one full generation. You are doing well. If you are having any discomfort in your life, you will need to go deeper. Bring back more energy. This is this first step to cleaning your karma. Karma cleaning has a big connection to you if you have a mature soul. If your soul is young, karma cleaning is easier. If you have a mature soul, your spiritual teacher needs to give you a tool to help you awaken and clean your karma. Pokiyani is the tool you need.

If you are angry without any reason, you have received the first signal to clean your karma and bring back energy. Pokiyani is just one tool. There is no one way for everyone to bring back energy, but for you Pokiyani will help. Without energy, you cannot clean your karma.

When you have taken back your lost energy from this life, then test yourself. If you get angry again, your not 100% finished. Deep work means more concentration. Concentrate and remember someone's voice, time, clothing and situation when you had lots of emotions. Sometimes your memory is not clear enough to remember the person's body, dress or age. You have lost this information and sometimes you need to work with a physical teacher for help.